
Thursday 21 January 2010

My Birthday

从考完SPM开始,妈妈带我买的每一件衣服,每一件东西,我都把它们当成是我的生日礼物。衣服、鞋子、手链、耳环、包包... 羡慕我吧?哈!
这天老毛病又重犯,妈妈拿了半天的假,带着兴致勃勃的我和大姨,逛遍几家卖衣店。妈妈荷包大出血,我大大有收获。Yeah! Jee 还买了我最爱吃的kuih momo,在盒子上写着- Happy Birthday Sweetie... 我知道您很努力是想逗我开心,好让我有个最美好的回忆。您成功啦!谢谢你 jee... =)
我们过后还买了一粒 tiramisu 蛋糕和一些丰富的菜肴回家吃。大家聚在饭桌前唱生日歌给我,好感动喔!连爸爸和 elleby 也有加入... Jee, liang, 谢谢你们哦!
这两天登入了面子书(facebook), 朋友们也一一献上生日祝福语。我算过了。手机收到的短信、面子书的短语祝福和收到的伊妹儿,我一共累积了60多个祝福! Whao... O.O 谢谢你们大家.

I am eighteen!!! Know what does that mean? I am going to have a new IC and is free to do anything and everything I want which people below 18 longed to do but they can't... Hahaha!
I can drive, can take alcoholic drinks without my parents' guidances, watch 18SX films.... Bla bla bla... I can do anything that I wanted to do for the past 17 years but restricted by rules and regulations…. Yeah!!! =P
However, I must be willing to take responsibility for my own actions and not to do what I am not supposed to.. Em... Clear.. Haha.. From now onwards, I am going to take up all the consequences of every action I do. Be mature and act grown-up. Good luck!!!

Posted by: Wing

1 comment:

  1. Hey hey! I haven't give you the key to the lock of freedom. Be patient girlie, 3 more years when you're 21....haha.... jee


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