
Sunday 28 February 2010


I was offered a big project by the CEO of ElleFamily i.e. Ellepo.
"To prepare Chap Goh Meh dinner for a family of four".
I don't know how I will cope because all these while I don't like to spend my time in the kitchen and this is the first time I am asked to prepare an important meal on my own for a special occasion. OMG! What am I supposed to do? It sounds simple but definitely it is an enormous amount of work.
The biggest challenge was to come out with the menu. I spent days thinking about what i would serve. Finally, i had decided to cook a Western dish, fruit salad (that's the easiest dish to prepare.. hehe!), mixed vege and curry. I am taking the risk to include curry in my menu as Pa is a typical Chinese and he doesn't take Western food. He must have rice every meal.
I listed out the things to buy and headed to Boulevard Hypermarket with Ellepo. I had a long list but Ellepo cancelled a few items as she said we had all those stuff at home. Hehe! She saved some money for that.
After coming back from Sunday Mass, I started to have butterflies in my stomach. Even though we had just taken our brunch, I prepared the ingredients earlier just to make sure that the dinner will be ready on time.
As the evening drew closer, I started to feel the pressure. Luckily with Ellepo's assistance, I managed to get the food done. Tada!
Pa and I liked this the most! It's hot & spicy!!!
Yummy vege. We finished everything!
Ellepo and Liang liked this very much! It's a rich dish. Look at their sizes you know, hehe!!!
Elleby liked this. Tasty fruits salad!
These were what I prepared. Yeah! =p
I felt satisfied and touched (and relief too.. haha) knowing everyone has enjoyed my food especially Ellepo. Words can't describe my joy at that very moment when Ellepo tried every dish with beautiful compliments. Thanks Jee!
Not only the food looked so nice, I never expected my first time cooking to taste so great. Only if my camera can also capture the taste and smell, then you know I am not cheating.
Ellepo has really educated me on so many things. Is something I could never have achieved if she hadn't taken a gamble and given me the opportunity to take up this big task in such an important occasion. A big hug to you Ellepo! =)
Posted by : Wing

Friday 26 February 2010

Thank you, 俊杰!

I am just reflecting on our friendship and wanted to let you know how much it means to me...
It's not easy to find a friend whom you can trust with your most personal thoughts. You listened to my problems and listened to my dreams. Even how busy you were, you never interrupt me or need to have your say. You just listened to me very patiently.
I only hope I can be half as good a friend to you.
Thank you for being my friend!
May our friendship last forever...

Posted by : Wing

Wednesday 24 February 2010


O 和 V 在梦里都不睬我。我很伤心。L 告诉我 :“我们做人不可以一直停留在过去,总是怀念和回想小学和中学的种种,因为我们要走的路还很长。前面还有大学,社会... 要忘掉过去,才能活得快乐,潇洒。”
L 还要我忘了 O 和 V,才能找到未来的 E...


L,O 和 V 是我的三个好朋友。
L 是我在小学四年纪认识的朋友,我们当彼此是好姐弟。一直到中学毕业都是在同一班,一起成长。我们并没有时常在一起,但却常在有特别节日的时候不忘发一通简讯给对方,祝彼此平安快乐。无论在何时何地,L 总不忘在特别日子做第一个给我献上祝福的人。最感动的是,他还到我工作的地方来看我,陪我聊了一会... L,谢谢你,你永远是我的好兄弟,没有人可以取代你在我心中的位置。祝你心想事成,愿我们友谊永固...

O 曾经是我生命中最重要的人,也是在我成长过程中留下脚印极深的一位。因为 O,我体验到被人羡慕、妒忌、尊重、保护、宠爱等的滋味。我不再因为小小的失败而看不起自己,反而是变得坚强、活泼、开朗。有时还觉得自己变骄傲了呢! 他让我笑,让我流泪,让我脸红,心跳加速... O 是个较内向的男生,和我结交的那一段时间,他努力让自己变得活泼、变得爱多管嫌事,我感觉很幸福,因为有人会为了我而改变自己。虽然我们已经不能回到从前的日子,但他给我的一切美好回忆,我会永远珍藏着。O,祝你幸福,善良的人会得到主的保佑...

V 是大哥哥。虽然只比我大两个月,他是个非常懂事的男孩。只是自卑感却很重,认为自己很多方面都比不上他人。 “舒适的环境是逼不出英雄好汉” 这说法是对的。他比任何的现代男生都自立,更懂得人情世故。我羡慕他,因为他不像其他男生 一样,做事没主见,就连芝麻小事都有劳父母。他什么都靠自己。他的出现也为我的人生增添了色彩。谢谢你,V! 你曾带给我的甜蜜和感动,我会永记在心。你一定要成功,一定要幸福哦! 记得,主爱你! 主永远都会在你身边保护着你。加油!

I always believe that 'YOU CAN'!

L.O.V. 都是他们三位姓氏的第一个英文字母。很巧吧! 下一个会不会是 E ? 而 E 又代表了什么呢? 会不会就是我的 prince ?

Posted by : Wing


I miss you all…
Posted by : Wing

Prince VS Toad


每一个男生都有一个欣赏他的 Cinderella 。 在某一个 princess 心中,一个男生可以是 prince 。反之,他就是 toad 。
无论相貌如何、品行如何、是不是才子、有没有学历,一个男生可以是某个她心目中最理想的 prince ,却也可能是另一个她眼中的 toad 。
还记得几年前当我决定把他视为我的 prince 的时候,他也变成了无数女生心中的 prince 。唉! 我是很自私的。我不希望我的 prince 会是那一个能让女生们心跳加速、脸红害羞、大家为了他争风吃醋的那一位。
愿我的下一个 prince 会是大家心中的 toad 。哈! 有可能吗?我的眼光会是那么差吗?
Where the hell is my prince???
Posted by : Wing


Jane, ellepo 知道你很懂事,很乖,很孝顺。别担心。答应你,老爸我会替你看着。
Tionia 妈咪的 blog 里提到 :平安就是福,说得一点也没错。平安就是幸福。祝我们大家都平平安安!

Posted by : Ellepo

Saturday 20 February 2010

I'm Sorry!

通长说 ‘I'm sorry’ 是因为觉得自己做错了,打算从此改过。
但男人的 ‘I'm sorry’ 却不是认错,是 just to inform, 耍赖,想把责任推到女人身上。
‘I'm sorry’。 都已经说了,要怎么做,就让女人自己来决定好了。真无耻!!!
所以当男人对你说 ‘I'm sorry’ 时,你就告诉他 :‘没关系,习惯就好。不必再说了,不想再听下去,I‘m sorry!’ 然后当作没一回事。
哈哈! ‘I'm sorry’.

Posted by : Wing

Sisters, I Love You...

Three sisters! On the forth day of CNY, I went shopping and movie with my two mums and two sisters.. Haha!
This is the first time the five of us celebrate CNY together. We had lunch, MBO watched Lee Hom's "Big and Little Soldier", (oh yea, two mums can get senior citizens' fare. must remember next time. can save a few dollars for popcorns oh.. haha!) went visiting to kuku's house and bla bla bla... We had a great time! Hope that we can have fun together again.
We took this photo in the children's fitting room in Parkson, tHe Spring. Nice pic! =)
Posted by : Wing

Thursday 18 February 2010


这是 Liang 和 Ellepo 今年的作品。
Posted by : Wing

Tuesday 16 February 2010

RED ......

"Jee, Ms Feng Sui from NTV7 says that first day of CNY must wear red shirt in order to have good luck for the whole year. Look! my shirts is either black, blue, grey or white, and I'm wearing black now."
Liang shouted from the sitting room while I was busy in the kitchen.
"Jee, you're wearing red blouse. See, Cheh Cheh is putting on red dress too. Even pa is wearing red shirt. Oh, how am I going to explain to those kuku, Ah E later?" Liang threw himself onto the armchair.
"Wait!" I went out from the kitchen, gripped Liang's arm softly. "Let me take a look at you. Emm...... all I see is one of the coolest young handsome man I have ever met. Inside and out".
"You look great, Liang!" Jane said, admiring his black shirt unbuttoned sexily at the neck.
"Don't worry, just tell those uncles and aunties this is the fashioned colour for youngsters if they ask".
Liang was a little worried when we reached eldest sis's house. The moment Liang stepped out from the car, his young lovely cousin, Belle was screaming, " Wow, COOL! Ah Liang, you're handsome". Followed by sis (Liang's aunty) also wearing black, finally a self-satisfied smile appeared on his face. I think he's sort of having a relief.
"Oh, it's not a must to wear RED during CNY", he mumbled.
I used to buy red shirts for Liang for the past 15 years during CNY as he looks fair and clean with red. This year I let him choose his own fashion. That's why this happened.
Haha, cute! Next year must remind him to buy a red shirt just in case, since he is so supersticious and easily influenced.

posted by: ellepo

Saturday 13 February 2010


明天是年初一,也是情人节。街头巷尾都摆满了送情人的礼物。跟了ellelao lao 快三十年了, 记忆中好像只收过他送的一次礼物。他认为送礼物是浪费,多余... 唉!一点也不浪漫。
别让你心爱的人像我对ellelao lao 一样,有诸多的埋怨。

Posted by : Ellepo

Wednesday 3 February 2010

You Are An Angel

Jane, do you realise we two always have a special connection? Everytime I think of you in the office, my phone will ring and you have something to talk to me about.
As usual my phone rings and when I picked up, "Jee, I just received a call from the Sales Manager asking me to continue working from today onwards till CNY's eve. Meaning to say I have to work a whole stretch of 15 days without any break."
"Is it okay with you since you're having your MP right now? I thought you can have 4 days off as what they promised so that you can have a good rest."
"Don't worry, Jee. Remember, GOD loves me. Things usually go just fine for me and when they don't, I can handle it. You take care ya!"
You always have that way of making me smile because you're such a cheerful, caring, considerate and loving young lady. You always bring such a glow to my heart.
Frankly speaking, it has never crossed my mind that you would work continuous for 9 hours, harder than you had ever worked before. You have to face a lot of changes and difficult tasks which you had never faced with. I am proud of you, Jane. You dare to try than to avoid them. All these life experiences and memories that you have gained, I tell you, you can't buy them with money.
I'm not worried about how you handle difficult tasks, facing difficult, fussy customers and how you get along with others. Your sweet smile eventhough doesn't cost a cent will definitely bring sunshine to others. And your wonderful kindness especially to the elders and kids.
You are an angel, indeed.
True what I say, the C.Market Manager who condemned you as weak and fragile the first time he saw you was impressed with your simple act of kindness towards an old lady not up to 2 hours after he complaint you to the Sales Manager. He is right. You look so gentle and fragile and have not enough strength to do heavy duty jobs, but you work smart and make full use of other qualities inside you to do wonders. That LLS young Manager never knew that there are still a lot of valuable qualities in you which you haven't shown. How sweet!
I think from then on, he will give a new instruction to the staff, bla bla bla............ take you as the model. Hahaha! Smart guy. I'm sure he'll increase his business sales at least by 30% from the good manners and concern that they show to the customers. He gets credit because of your simple act.
Jane, you are such a special person. You have an unbelievable faith in everything you do and constantly remind me to live well, laugh often and love much.
I'm proud of you.
I love you.

posted by: ellepo
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